♥ Welcome ♥ to my bloqqie . Almost everything cute here( except for me ) is moveable so just arrange it to your liking :) Enjoy !

♥ Disclaimer ♥ ; I may not expect you to ♥LOVE♥ my blog but it 's not my fault that you don 't like this blog , IT 'S YOURS . So if you don 't like my blog ... just do me a favour and click on this . Thankyouverymuch and have a pleasant flight .

- ♥Isabella♥

P.S. Don't like the music ? Too bad , press this .
P.P.S. My music disappeared because the stupid website stopped hosting it :D .
♥Monday, March 15, 2010♥


Okay, to be honest, I have no idea what to say. I'm just going to tell you that I'm still alive and am currently inundated with things to do but yes, I am alive. Although I might be drowning. Just a teensy bit.


9:02 PM